Special Demonstration Experiments for undergraduates
- Principles and working of pH meter, Colorimeter, and Spectrophotometer
- Analysis of samples by Semi Auto Analyzer
- Electrophoresis
- Paper chromatography
Facilities / Equipments
- Fully Automated Analyzer – Beckman Coulter AU 480 (Chemistry Analyzer)
- Chemiluminescence – Beckman Coulter Access 2 i-FLASH 1800 (Hormones, Tumour Markers, Vitamins)
- Blood Gas Analyzer – ABL 800 Radiometer (ABG & Electrolytes) i-STAT (ABBOTT) EDAN i15 (2)
- Centrifuge – Remi R8C Remi Microcentrifuge – RM12C Remi Small
- Spectrophotometer Semi Auto Analyzer
- Semi Auto Analyzer – Robonik Pre Test Touch Plus MISPA VIVA AGAPPE
- Electrophoresis Apparatus
- Electronic Balance
- Colorimeter – ELCOWith all the enlisted equipment, we are able to do Thyroid profile, ABG Analysis, Electrolytes and other chemistry profiles. Daily, we maintain internal quality control for both Chemistry and Hormone Analysis. We are doing inter Lab comparison for Parameters to check our Precision and Accuracy. As we go through the list of equipments, we have moved from colorimeter to Fully Automated Analyzer.
Sl. No. | Name of the Faculty | Designation | Qualification | APMC Registration Number |
1 | Chadalawada Venkata Ramana | Professor | M.D. | 17937 |
2 | B Shobha Rani | Associate Professor | M.D. | 56279 |
3 | Shabnam Sufiya Shaik | Assistant Professor | M.D. | APMC/FMR/98506 |
4 | Dr.kadiyam Uma Pallavi | Tutor | M.Sc. | APMC/63036 |
1) B.Anil Kishore, K.Madhavi, M.Indira, Y.RuthLavanya, Shobharani.B. Evaluation of serum uric acid in Hypertension. Journal of MedicalSciences and clinical Research, Aug 2014; 2(8):2069-72.
2) Dr. Y.RuthLavanya, Dr.Shobharani.B. Study of Liver enzymes and Proteinuria in Pregnancy Induced Hypertension. IOSR- Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences, Feb2015; 14(2) ver.3:34-36
3)Y.RuthLavanya, Shobharani.B. Study of oxidative stress and uric acid in Pregnancy Induced Hypertension. International Journal of Biomedical and Advance Research 2015;6(03):204-7.
4) Dr. G.Anitha, Dr. Shobharani.B. Lipid profile in Diabetic Retinopathy. International Journal of Current Research in Life Sciences June 2015; 4(6):246-8.
5) Dr. Sumanthkumar.B, Dr. Shobharani.B. Comparative study of Hscrp in Chronic Kidney Disease. IOSR Journal of Pharmacy July 2015; 5(7): 8-12
6)Dr.B. ShobhaRani, Dr.P.Swathi Role of Beta blockers and associated Fracture risk in Indian subjects with Primary Osteoporosis.European journal of Molecular and clinical Medicine (EJMCM) June 2022, vol-9 (6); 177-185.
7) Dr.B. Shobha Rani, Dr.J. Helena Rajakumari, Dr.C.Sujatha.Comparative assessment of the Statins and Angiotensin Receptor Blockers for their anti-inflammatory effects on the disease activity of Rheumatoid Arthritis: A clinical study.Journal of cardiovascular disease research (JCDR) July2022; 13(4); 1162-70.
8.) Dr.PrakashKhunte, Dr.B.Shobharani, Dr.Sanjeevkumar Singh, Dr.Vishal Agarwal. Assessing the serum lipid profile and its association with prediabetes and diabetes in Indian Subjects. Journal of cardiovascular Disease Research 2023: vol 14 issue 05: 229-236.
1)PottepalemAparna ,Shabnamsufiashaik, Sk.Fairoz, C.V.Sarada, A.Saseekala,Madhulikayeluru; A Comparitive study on the effects of omega-3 fattyacid supplementation on plasma triglyceride levels in Diabetic vs. Non Diabetic individuals;Int J Acad Med pharm.2024: Vol 6(1) 890-893. Indexed: Embase (Elsevier),IndexCopernicus,J-Gate Indexed
2)A.Saseekala,Shabnamsufiashaik,Sk.Fairoz, PottepalemAparna; Comparitive Analysis of serum lipid profiles in patients with and without type2 Diabetes; A cross-sectional study,Int J Acad Med Pharm.2024;vol 6 (1) 625-628.
Indexed :Embase (Elsevier),Index Copernicus,J-Gate Indexed.
Comparative Study of Serum Uric Acid levels and Lipid Profile in Hypertensive Patients with Myocardial Infarction and Hypertensives Without Myocardial Infarction.