Current trends in Geriatric Pharmacology- Zonal-CME


 The Zone – II CME with the theme “Current trends in Geriatric Pharmacology” was conducted by Department of Pharmacology on 20/07/2024 at Government Medical College, Ongole. The program started with the inauguration ceremony starting from prayer song by UG students and lightening of the lamp by our respected Addl.DME/Principal Dr. A. Yedukondala Rao, Vice Principal academic cum APMC observer Dr. G. Sudhakar, Deputy Medical superintendent Dr. N. Kiran Kumar, Guest Speaker Dr. Jacob Peedicayil Abraham, Professor and HoD, Department of Pharmacology Dr. K. Chandrakala and MEU coordinator Dr. S. Vasantha, followed by felicitation of senior faculties and speakers. A total of 163 delegates from various colleges were registered and two APMC credit hours were given to all the delegates who attended the CME.

Geriatric Pharmacology is a challenging field in medical practice, because aging causes changes in body structure, function, composition, and metabolic pathways. With this background the session was started by discussing about General Principles of Geriatric Pharmacology by Dr. K. Chandrakala, Professor & HOD, Department of Pharmacology, GMC, Ongole, followed by Epigenetic Therapy and its potential use in Neurodegenerative disorder by Dr. Jacob Peedicayil Abraham, Professor & HOD, Department of Pharmacology, CMC, Vellore. The session carried on with discussion on Stroke in Elderly by Dr. Sarat Mallipedi, Consultant Neurologist & Stroke specialist, KIMS, Ongole and Myths and Facts in DM and Thyroid disorders by Dr. A. Geeta Priya Darshini, Consultant Endocrinologist, KIMS, Ongole. Management of pain in geriatrics

was dealt by Dr. B. Trinadh, Associate Professor, Department of Anaesthesiology, GMC, Ongole and Recent advances in Pharmacotherapy of Neurodegenerative disorders in elderly by Dr. S. Durga Prasad, Associate Professor, Department of General Medicine, GMC, Ongole. Finally, the session came to a successful end by discussing about Geriatric Oncopharmacology by Dr. A. Yedukondala Rao, ADME/Principal, GMC, Ongole and Medication Reconciliation by Dr. Ch. Jhansi Vani, Associate Professor, Department of Pharmacology, GMC, Ongole. As a complete unit, the session was an enlightening conclave.

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